Rapid Transformational Therapy ( RTT ) has won many international awards as a revolutionary form of therapy and was created by Marisa Peer.

It combines all the positive effects of: hypnosis and hypnotherapy, neuroplasticity, NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming ), CBT ( Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ) and psychotherapy and adds some crucial steps that immediately remove the blockages that have held you back in your personal growth and in your quality of life for so long.

When what lies beneath the surface gets overlooked....



The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to                          me my true place in life                           -Joseph Murphy

RTT is effective in treating issues related to:

  • AD(H)D
  • Addictions
  • Anxiety & Panic 
  • Attachement styles
  • Autism
  • Autoimmune deseases
  • Behavioral problems
  • Burnout
  • Coping with illness
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Fertility issues
  • Fobias
  • Grief
  • Low selfesteem
  • Midlife crisis
  • Moodswings
  • Overthinking
  • Pain
  • Perfectionism
  • Personal development
  • Physical complaints
  • Posttraumatic Stress (PTSD) 
  • Psychosomatic complaints
  • Purpose and life path
  • Relationship issues
  • Sexual problems
  • Skin disorders
  • Sleep disorders 
  • Stress
  • Trauma  

Would you like to have more energy, more confidence, more fun in life? To be in the driving seat of your journey (and not the backseat). Would you like to feel lighter, freer and deeply connected to the people around you? To feel authentically you?

Then RTT is the way for you.

Let's work together!

I'm currently working worldwide (in person ànd online) with sessions in English. (Expect amazing results, also when English is not your first language :)  Book a free discovery-call with me to find out the options.

From one day to the next I had inexplicable tics. Whatever I tried, I couldn't stop opening and closing my mouth. Not only did this hurt, but I also lost my confidence. During a hypnotherapeutic treatment it became clear that the cause was in an underlying stress factor, which I would never have  associated it to myself. After the first session I already had much less trouble, and after two days of listening to the recording, all my complaints were gone. I didn't know this was possible. I can now recommend hypnotherapy to anyone!

Mr. J.dH. (18)

motor facial tics

Van de ene op de andere dag had ik onverklaarbare tics. Wat ik ook probeerde, ik kon niet stoppen met mijn mond open en dicht klappen. Niet alleen deed dit pijn, maar het hakte ook in mijn zelfvertrouwen. Tijdens een hypnotherapeutische behandeling werd duidelijk dat de oorzaak in een onderliggende stressfactor zat, waarmee ik zelf nooit een verband had gelegd. Na de eerste sessie had ik al veel minder last, en na twee dagen dagelijks luisteren naar de opname waren al mijn klachten verdwenen. Ik wist niet dat dit mogelijk was. Ik kan hypnotherapie nu aan iedereen aanraden!

dhr. J.dH. (18)

motorische faciale tics


More coming soon, this site is still under construction :) 

I have had one session with Lisette for a bad nailbiting habit and self esteem issues. Both aspects had become so much a part of me, that I thought it was simply 'me'. But I found my way out, quickly! My hands and nails look perfectly normal now, but more importantly: I have taken up so many new things in my life, I stopped entertaining my negative thoughts. This change is priceless for me. Thank you so much for helping me get here. 

— Mr. M.V. (35)

I have worked with Lisette to gain insight into a relationship pattern that seemed to keep repeating itself, causing me to feel depressed and 'not worthy' of a nice relationship. Physically I was suffering from a recurring viral infection that used to flare up, whenever my stresslevels went up. Now it's a couple of months since my two sessions. I have a much better understanding of the way I showed up in relationships and I feel confident that I will be able to connect in healthier ways in the future. Also I have learned how to turn down my 'stress dial' to prevent the viral flare ups. Twice I was able to catch myself and stop symptoms from coming up. 

— Jessie M. (28)